Jennie and I are both very busy with school. Well,....I am, at least. Jennie's been taking some classes toward her Home and Family cluster that haven't really required a lot of her time. But she's got a great seat in the Orchestra this semester and she's positively loving it.
I've been keeping very busy between work, school, and home life. I'm still working at Melaleuca, and I love my job. It's great to work in a place where I can actually help people every day. I'm also LOVING classes this semester. So far it's nothing too intense, but that could easily change. I'm taking a Racquetball class to help keep me healthy (and a little less stressed out). I'm also taking Microeconomics, which, so far, has been almost the same as Macroeconomics, so I haven't had a lot to do as of yet. Music 101 is a great class I'm taking with Sister Mecham. It's kind of an easy class for me but I need one or two of those. The class that's keeping me the most busy, though is Accounting 201. I'm learning the principles of accrual accounting, and I'm actually really enjoying it. If only I could keep up a little more easily with my homework. Most of the time, the assignments we're given require at least 2-3 hours to get done. When I'm going to school full time and working 30 hours a week, that's a bit much to squeeze in.
My Tuesdays and Thursdays are a little less pressed with my World Religions class and Chinese 302. I'm loving WR. It's a great class and really interesting to take a step back from my ordinary views on what religion is and get a much more broad perspective as to what other people in the world believe. It's just a great reminder to me that we're all God's children and He loves us equally no matter how we worship Him.
Chinese is a great class, but also heavy on the homework. And, since I want to make it part of my profession, I really need to pay more attention to it. We're studying Chinese out of newspapers. So, the class is very reading-intensive. (I read in English comparitively slowly. Just imagine how I do in Chinese.) My teacher, Sister Shen, is really helpful and I can tell she loves being a teacher.
Also, as of right now, I'm kind of shopping around for graduate schools. I want to go for an MBA in Marketing with a focus on International Business. Any ideas? I'm thinking of Utah State, but I don't know how strong the program is there. I'd like to get in somewhere a bit more prestigious.
As far as we can tell, the baby is doing well. We're two months away from our due date and we're "uber"-excited. I just don't know how we're going to get everything done that we need to in less than two months. It's really getting to be crunch-time.
Anyway, I hope everybody's doing well. Life is what you make of it. I don't know about all of you, but I'm going to make mine remarkable.